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The Blog 

My intention in this little pocket of the internet is to create a place of inspiration and guidance for women in their 40's.  

Let's do this. 

Jo Fiddy Menopause Coach helping women in their 40's get their confidence back.
the latest

This isn’t my first Perimenopause Rodeo

This is why I help women in their 40’s When I say working with clients in their forties as part of my Rise and Vibe Coaching and being part of an International English Speaking community in Munich to support women is deeply personal,  it’s because I know firsthand how isolating and scary it can feel when […]

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I’m Jo
A Confidence Coach for Women in their forties.  

Start your journey 

Start your journey right now and sign up to receive weekly support and guidance on navigating the wild and wonderful ride of the 40's. 


Follow me for Coaching tips and behind the scenes. 
