A Guide for Women in Their 40s

Are you tired of letting your inner critic steal the spotlight and hold you back from going after what you want? It’s time to unplug that negative voice and take centre stage in your own life. As a Confidence Coach for Wome in their 40’s, I’m here to help you navigate the challenges of your 40s, from building confidence to embracing the physical and emotional changes that come with this decade.
Negative thinking is something we all experience, rooted in our primal instincts for survival. However, when negative thoughts consume us, our world becomes smaller, and we feel stuck and frustrated. What is exciting is that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality. It’s time to rewrite the script and turn those dreams into a vision for how you want to step into your forties.
One powerful tool in rewiring our brains for positivity is through the practice of positive affirmations. Words are powerful! These affirmations help rewire the neural pathways in our brains, creating new patterns of thinking and belief. In fact, studies in Positive Psychology have shown that self-affirmation can activate certain areas of the brain associated with positive valuation and self-related information processing. Isn’t that amazing?
So, let’s dive into the practice of positive affirmations and reclaim the stage of your life:
1. Grab a notebook, pen, or colourful post-it notes and scatter positive affirmations around your home. Write down who you want to be and what you want to happen. For example:
– I am enough.
– I am a confident person.
– One day at a time.
– It’s only a thought, and thoughts can be changed.
– I am worthy.
– I don’t need to prove myself to anyone.

2. Once you have your list, say these affirmations out loud every day. Make them part of your morning and evening rituals. Remember, your brain doesn’t distinguish between reality and what you tell it. So, even if you don’t feel confident initially, the more you affirm it, the more your brain will start to believe it, and you’ll naturally begin to exude confidence. Thoughts truly become things!
3. If it feels uncomfortable or strange to say positive things about yourself, take a moment to explore that limiting belief. Journal about why you feel that way and challenge those negative thoughts. You deserve to embrace your worth and celebrate your unique journey. A good question to ask is what do I believe about this thought? Is this really true?
To further boost your confidence and self-love journey, you can tapalong to my Positive Tapping Affirmation Meditation. This morning meditation is like an espresso shot for your brain, combining the power of tapping with positive affirmations to rewire your mind for success and self-acceptance.
Remember, the conversation you have with yourself is the longest one you’ll ever have. So, choose your words wisely and speak to yourself with love, kindness, and unwavering belief. You are capable of incredible things, and it’s time to take centre stage in your own life.
Embrace the changes, celebrate your journey, and let your inner light shine bright. You’ve got this!