Have you ever found yourself standing in front of the brightly lit fridge, searching for snacks to fill something inside that isn’t hunger?
You’re not alone. Emotional eating is a common struggle, especially for women navigating the rollercoaster of their 40’s.
It might feel that you are drinking and emotionally eating more now in your forties that ever before. There is a lot going on in the fourth decade of a woman’s life. Responsibilities have increased with work and or family, the juggle is real and then along comes our new unpredictable companion Perimenopause, it can feel like an overwhelming time.
According to recent studies conducted by the American Psychological Association, approximately 60% of women in their 40s struggle with emotional eating patterns.
Understanding the root cause of our hunger is the first step towards reclaiming control over our relationship with food. As an Accredited Coach with the Institute for Body Confidence Coaching, I work closely with Client’s to help them identify the Five Hungers – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Soul hunger.
Before we dive a little deeper on emotional hunger, let’s look at the relationship with food and beliefs growing up.
Picture this: back in the 90s, we were raised on a steady diet of “anti-aging and diet culture” vibes. Remember those magazines telling us “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”? Yeah, they were everywhere, and let’s not forget how few women over 40 got their spotlight.
As teenagers of the 90s, we were bombarded with messages about diet culture and our self-worth became entangled with shrinking ourselves down to fit society’s unrealistic standards. There were no lessons on Body Confidence, Body Positivity or Self Love. This cultural pressure left many of us confused and lost, unsure of how to nourish ourselves both physically and emotionally.
It is no wonder that there can be a little confusion surrounding our relationship with food.
Let’s circle back to that moment before you opened that pack of biscuits from the secret snack draw or had that glass of wine.
How were you feeling? What had happened in your day?
Whether it was a stressful day at work, a sleepless night with your new BFF Peri (menopause) or boredom, when you are inhaling that food or drink of choice, do you feel like you tap out of your body and something else is in control?
Did you remember sitting down and savouring it? Or were you standing up eating or drinking as fast as you could.
Emotional Eating is powerful.
The reason we emotionally eat is because it can be a way to numb and block out the emotion that we are experiencing at that time. That sugary carb or savoury snack is like a self-soother.
In essence we are eating our emotions that we are unable to express and process.
But here’s the thing, despite the media we digested as teenagers of the 90s and the beliefs formed surrounding body confidence, body positivity and diet culture, we can edit which beliefs we choose to listen to. We can dance to a new beat. We are now in a place where we can heal and grow from those experiences.
It is never too late to start the journey.
The first step is bringing your Authentic Self to the table.
Navigating our relationship with food has become increasingly complex and emotional. Despite the abundance of books, TV programs, and articles on nutrition, many people find themselves confused with food. However, it’s essential to recognise that nutrition is only part of the equation. Equally important is to understand who you are as an eater.
While most diet and nutrition resources focus solely on food composition, calorie counts, and meal timing, they often overlook the critical aspect of the individual behind the plate. The mind, heart, and soul of the person consuming the food are frequently neglected in these discussions.
We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” However, how about a different perspective: YOU EAT WHO YOU ARE! This simple yet profound reminder encourages us to bring our whole selves to the table.
So, who are you as an eater? This question invites you to dig a little deeper into the motivations driving your food choices and how they align with your authentic self and life values.
When we munch on foods that align with our true selves, it’s more than just filling our bellies – it’s feeding our souls. We feel uplifted, energised, and totally in our element. There’s this inner joy that bubbles up, reminding us that we’re truly taking care of ourselves and honouring our authentic truth.
The key to re-establishing a connection with your authentic self lies in curiosity. Take the time to explore who you are and what truly matters to you. Embrace your authenticity and let it guide your relationship with food and nourishment.
Bon appétit to honoring your true self!
Joanne Fiddy is an Accredited Body Confidence Coach with the Institute for Body Confidence Coaching. https://www.instituteforbodyconfidencecoaching.com/