I thought it would be better than this…I whispered to my friend wiping away tears.
A few years ago I felt disconnected from my friends and the world around me, my spark was permanently dimmed, low on energy, irritated, sad and frustrated. I desperately missed who I used to be. On paper everything seemed ok and I felt a sense of shame and guilt for feeling this way.
Is this really what life after 40 looks like?
The decades before were full, energised, fun and ambitious. What on earth had happened to me? Was I really ready to resign myself that life doesn’t get much better this? I didn’t know who I was, where I was going and also how I was even suppose to get there.
This lonely lost place is where the idea for Rise and Vibe Your 40’s began.
After many conversations with friends and clients I realised I wasn’t alone. It led me down a path of research and studying to find out what is actually going on here. Why are so many fabulous women around me losing their confidence? How can we get our confidence back?
And so began a curious conscious awakening that life will be better than this.
Along the way there was some stand out moments… crying on the phone to my Best Friend in Ibiza looking at 20-somethings living their carefree life, while staring in the mirror as a hairdresser miss took my rose gold subtle hair shade and turned me into Gem from the 80’s show The Holograms! Maybe one day those pictures will be shared… still too raw 🤣🤣
After getting back my confidence back and finding the joy in life again, I created Rise and Vibe blending together my favourite Science Backed Coaching techniques x Holistic Tools.
Five Things I Learnt on my journey to getting my confidence back.
🪩 Understanding Perimenopause and Post Menopause is essential and learning what this all means for your physical and mental health and what you can proactively do to support and take care of your wonderful body.
🪩 Upgrade Beliefs. What’s your Belief Soundtrack on ageism, diet culture, body confidence? Where there is resistance there is most likely a belief out of tune. Our thoughts create our reality, when we untangle beliefs we are able to start to creating a new empowering chapter.
🪩 Healing from Inner Child experiences and leaning how to step into your Goddess Wise Woman. We are all little kids running the show and need a protective hug from our wise older selves.
🪩 EFT… this powerful technique deserves its own own glitter ball. I weave this technique in when required to help with power transformations and I’ve found it is so good for Perimenopausal symptoms.
🪩 Taking up space and re- claiming your spot on the metaphorical stage of life and finding the joy again.
Society may tell you that life is all down hill but I’m here to tell you my love that this isn’t the last dance. There is an entire new dance floor waiting to be explored.
If you are struggling to find your rhythm please do know that you are not alone. There is a lot going on right now and kindness and compassion is the first step you can take.
If you would like to work with me I offer:
121 Private Coaching Sessions with Clients all around the world on Zoom.
Jo xx