What is Peri Rage and why do I feel so angry?
Do you feel more irritated that usual? Feel angry and frustrated over something that wouldn’t usually bother you? Yes being in our forties is a lot of juggle and shuffle and then sprinkle on Peri and it can feel like you are going to explode.
Hormonal rage can feel like PMS and take feeling irritable to another level fast. It feels kind of cruel that Perimenopause enters our world especially when life between our late 30’s through to our 50’s can be full of outside lifestyle stresses from juggling work, family, divorce, caring for aging parents. Our capacity and tolerance cup can feel smaller than it used to be.
It is a sensitive subject that I personally feel is not discussed enough and one that has impact on our emotional and metal wellbeing.
Research shows that irritability is the most common symptom for 70% of perimenopausal women.
Your brain plays a major part in Perimenopause and the fluctuations of hormones can cause irritation at the slightest thing that would never have bothered you before through to feeling angry.
So what is actually going on? As our brains transition through Perimenopause it has an impact on the Neurotransmitters in our brain.
For instance Serotonin is involved in mood, sleep and appetite and a small but mighty percentage of it is in our brain. As Estrogen declines, the calming and mood-regulating effect of serotonin may also decline.
Dopamine is involved in movement, emotion, motivation and pleasure. In part it is a key factor involved in the desire to exercise. As women age the number and density of of dopamine receptors may decrease leading to lethargy and ‘the blah’s.
What is so fantastic about movement and exercise for this stage of life is that adding fitness into your life will help release the feel good hormones of Dopamine and Serotonin.
Peri-Rage can impact how you feel in yourself from shame, embarrassment, self loathing and feeling uncomfortable and confused on what is going on. Clients have come to me worried that they are losing their mind because it simply is not talked about enough. Remember, offer yourself compassion and the more you educate yourself on Perimenopause the more it will help you to understand and know what is going on. You’re not alone in this journey.
The upside to feeling this anger is that when used productively, it can be a signal to check in with your boundaries and withhold them, self care regime and look at the pressures that are taking place in your life. Being in our forties is the time to reshape how we take care of ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically to ensure we have a quality health span.
As an Accredited Menopause Specialist Coach with GGS, I help client’s create an Emotional Toolkit to support during the highs and lows from movement and exercise ideas, through to stress management techniques, limiting beliefs on ageing as well as support with a nutritional plan that nourish and support the body.
Here are three lifestyle changes and techniques that you can do to help with when you feeling like you are starting to simmer.
What is so fantastic about movement and exercise is that adding fitness into your life will help release the feel good hormones of Dopamine and Serotonin.
10 – 15 minute brisk walking around the block can really help to regulate your mood and hormones and decrease stress. If you can do this activity alone, I find this works wonders especially if you feel like you have been indoors all day working from home or taking care of the kids. Another consideration is having a ‘rage sport’ option and coming up with a few safe but rage expressing activities and put on your favourite ARGH tunes to really let it all out. Ideas could include medicine ball slams at the gym, joining a kick boxing class, going for a run. Have a play with safe fitness ideas and always consult your Dr or Fitness Practitioners if you have a medical condition.
Recently I was talking to a Client about how taking care of mental and emotional health during Perimenopausal years is not a nice thing to do on the side but a Mandatory Requirement. Being able to find techniques that can help you emotionally regulate can help before moments become heated. Mindfulness techniques such as meditating in the morning to set yourself up the day, Yoga, Breathwork through to one of my faves EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which gives a voice and validates the emotion you are feeling… As an Accredited Practioner in EFT and who is also going through the Perimenopause too, EFT really helps to regulate your cortisol levels and stress fast.
Community and Connection
While there is so much knowledge out there about Perimenopause transition… hurrah! I’ve noticed through my work that we are consuming and learning information in solitude. A podcast (which I love btw) and social media is usually a solo project. In what what can feel like an isolating time in our lives with confusion on what Perimenopause, coming together in community and sharing our stories brings us together and the idea that we are not going through this journey alone. Check out your local Sharing Circles and Communities in your area, speak to your friends and family where possible. If you live in Munich, I have recently launched Munich Pause which is a series of talks which shines a light on the Perimenopausal Journey and brings together community as well as Experts in Women’s Wellbeing.
In the wonderful words of Brene Brown. “If we share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.”
If you find that your symptoms are impacting your life, please do contact your Dr and Health Provider for support as there are options that you can explore.
Jo Fiddy is a Confidence and Menopause Coach helping women in their 40’s get their confidence back and regain their vibe in Perimenopause. www.riseandvibewithjo.com
If you would like support on your journey I am offer 121 Private Sessions online and you can find out more here.